Raw Chocolate Wonder Bites

Raw Chocolate Wonder Bites
Janneke Williamson

Jul 28, 2016

1/2 a cup cashews
1/2 a cup of macadamia
1/2 cup coconut flakes
1/4 of a cup of activated buckwheat
1 heaped tablespoon Chia seeds
1 heaped tablespoon sesame seeds
5 heaped tablespoons raw cacao powder
1/4 cup of sunflower seeds
Teaspoon vanilla
Teaspoon cinnamon
Teaspoon turmeric
Pinch salt
2 mashed bananas
1/4 cup psyllium husk
1/2 cup coconut oil


1 Add the cashews, macadamias and coconut flakes to the blender and pulse for a few seconds on and off until the nuts are chunky but not too big.
2 Mash the bananas in a mixing bowl. Add all dry ingredients and combine with a spoon. Give them a thorough mix.
3 Now for the coconut oil.. If the coconut oil is solid you will need to warm it slightly by either popping the jar in the sink with some hot water or using a saucepan to warm some in a bowl.
4 Combine the liquid coconut oil through the mix. Now for the fun part.. have a taste. Is it sweet enough for you? I usually find that the banana makes it sweet enough for my tastebuds but at your discretion you can add some maple syrup, honey or try rice malt syrup for a fructose free option.
5 Place mixture onto some parchment paper and spread out. Fold the paper over and smooth the mixture out so it is about an inch thick. Place into the freezer for 10-15 minutes to set.
Once set, cut it up into generous pieces and store in the fridge until you’re ready to indulge 🙂


By Janneke Williamson

Janneke Williamson is a holistic health coach, food blogger, mother and cook, and she also runs WW Productions with her husband Rory. Mother Nourish is all about finding balance with tantalising the tastebuds and a focus on optimum nourishment. Healthy made delicious. Whole foods. Traditional methods. Modern twist. Janneke loves a good laugh, making ferments, cooking and eating with her family. She lives in Bondi with her husband, toddler and veggie patch.



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