Hair Saboteurs – Solve Tress Stress With Our Expert Advice.

Summer Hair Saboteurs
Shonagh Walker

Lifestyle Writer

Dec 09, 2023

Hair Saboteurs include everything from UV rays, swimming in salt or chlorinated water, perspiration and too-tight ponytails. They can cause everything from split ends, to green tinged locks and oily roots with dry ends. We’ve got your tress stress sorted though, thanks to co-owner and director of Marc & Maxwell Hair in Surry Hills, Marc Armstrong.

Problem: Frizz

The hair saboteurs responsible for frizz include humid, hot weather reamed with dry and/or curly locks.

“Hot, humid weather can spell disaster for your locks, particularly if they are thick and coarse,” says Marc. “There are lots of reasons that frizz happens in the warmer months,” he explains, “but it’s mostly due to the hair strand being dehydrated. It sucks the moisture from the air, which creates the frizz.”


“Start with a frizz-combating, deeply hydrating shampoo and conditioner in the shower,” advises Marc. “You want a duo designed to keep hair looking light and not weighed down, but that also provides enough moisture to keep the humidity at bay.”

The Carousel Loves: bhave hydrator Shampoo and Conditioner, $33.95 each.

“Once a week, apply a deep-conditioning mask to really drench your locks with moisture,” says Marc.

The Carousel loves: Hask Hemp Oil and Agave Moisturising Deep Conditioner, $4.99.

Summer Hair Saboteurs
A Leave-In Conditioning Spray Can Help Ward Off The Summer Hair Saboteurs That Cause Frizz..

Next up, reach for a leave-in hydrating product. “Apply from mid-lengths to ends,” advises Marc. “This is where frizz hits the hardest. Avoid the roots of the hair as it may cause hair to sit flat.”

“Finish with a shot of cool air from the hair-dryer to help smooth the cuticle and apply a smoothing cream or lotion to help keep shine high and prevent humidity entering the hair strand.”

The Carousel loves: John Frieda Frizz Ease Secret Weapon Finishing Crème, $16.99.

Problem: Dry, Brittle Hair

“The great outdoors that we enjoy so much in summer sadly can be detrimental to our hair,” says Marc. “It puts the hair strand at peril from UV damage and the dehydrating effects of swimming. We also tend to perspire more, which leads us to wash our hair more frequently. This can strip the naturally occurring oils from the hair, leaving it dry and brittle.  


“Be sure to use a hydrating shampoo and conditioner when you wash, ” advises Marc.

The Carousel Loves: Aveda Botanical Repair Recovery Set, which contains botanical repair™ strengthening shampoo 250ml, strengthening conditioner 200ml, intensive strengthening masque: light 25ml, intensive strengthening masque: rich 25ml and strengthening leave-in treatment 25ml.

‘Deep condition your hair at least once a week,” advises Marc. “Use a quality mask and pop on a shower cap to create a bit of warmth, which will help they hydrating formula penetrate the strand.”

The Carousel also Loves: Bear Fruits Avocado Oil Repair Nourish Hair Mask And Hair With Cap, $12.99.

Once again, a leave-in conditioner is essential.

The Carousel Loves: Kyn Leave in Treatment, $19.99.

“Apply to the mid-lengths and ends only,” advises Marc. “Only use a small amount – the size of a 10cent piece is more than enough for longer hair. Shorter hair could do well with a five cent piece amount.”

Problem: Oily Roots Plus Dried, Split Ends  

Any hair type is vulnerable to this annoying issue. “The summer hair saboteurs in this case include perspiration, exercise and humidity.,” explains Marc.” They can cause sweat and oil to mix together on the scalp, preventing the natural oil from the hair to travel the length of the hair shaft and hydrate thirsty strands at the ends, where they need it most.”


Watch out for tight ponytails and top knots. While they look great, they can trap heat in the scalp and exacerbate perspiration.

While we recommend wearing a hat in summer, it’s important to remember that this can also trap heat in the scalp. Choose a natural fibre hat that has a weave that will let air circulate.

“Also opt for a looser ‘do, like a messy bun tied loosely at the nape of the neck,” advises Marc. “It can help minimise perspiration, thereby minimising the problem. Using a little dry shampoo will also help keep perspiration at bay, with the added benefit of creating texture and fullness.”

The Carousel Loves: Klorane Dry Shampoo With Aquatic Mint, $15.95.

“Regular brushing with a soft bristle brush will help the oil travel the length of the hair. The old 100 strokes a day might be a bit stressful on your hair, but do try to brush hair regularly throughout the day.

“Use a detoxifying shampoo when you wash, to remove any product build up on the scalp. Massage it into the roots only, allowing the lather simply to flow through the mid-lengths and ends when you rinse.”

The Carousel Loves: De Lorenzo Absolute Deep Cleanser, $31.90.

When you’re conditioning your hair, apply it to mid-lengths and ends only.
“Too much conditioner on the roots could exacerbate the issue,” reveals Marc.
“You need more hydration on the ends and the dehydrated strands the fall around the front of the face. They always bear the brunt of summer hair saboteurs.”

The Carousel Loves: Sukin Hydrating Conditioner, $24.99.

Summer Hair Sabotuers
A Straw Hat Can Protect Both Your Hair And Skin While At The Same Time Allow Enough Air To Circulate To Keep Your Scalp Cool.
Problem: Scaly Scalp 

“The culprits could be many and varied,” says Marc. “You may have got a touch of sunburn while you were out enjoying summer. It also might be product build up. or it could be that you have eczema or dandruff.”


“Firstly check you’re using top quality styling products and deep cleansing the scalp at least once a week, to remove build up that may cause flakiness,” stresses Marc. “If the problem continues, perhaps see a dermatitis to rule out more severe issues like eczema, dandruff, allergies or psoriasis.”

Look after your scalp in the same way you do your skin, advises Marc.  

“Your scalp is skin, just like the rest of your body. Your shampoo can cleanse it,  your detox shampoo can work as an exfoliating product, but you also need to hydrate it around once every week or two. Grab a good oil based product and massage it well into the scalp. Pop on a shower cap and leave it on overnight. Shampoo out in the morning to remove the oil.”

“Also remember to brush the scalp regularly. In the same way massage triggers blood flow and improves circulation, brushing brings the blood to the surface, delivering nutrients to the hair follicle and making it stronger.”

The Carousel Loves: Agadir Argan Oil Spray Treatment, $21.99.

Problem: Green Hair

The summer hair saboteur in this instance is chlorinated water. Blondes who swim in chlorinated pools are more likely to experience this, however even brunettes and red heads can take on a khaki tinge.


Reach for a clarifying and protective leave in conditioner, advises Marc. “They are designed to protect hair from chlorine damage while at the same time neutralise existing pigment changes caused by swimming.”

The Carousel Loves: Keracolor Purify Plus Leave In Conditioner, $29.95.

Summer Hair Saboteurs
Marc Armstrong And Sabrina Maxwell From Marc & Maxwell Hair In Surry Hills, Sydney.
Shonagh Walker

Shonagh Walker is a multi-award-winning lifestyle writer and author specialising in beauty, health, fashion, travel, pets and animals. Her career spans over 30 years, and she can't recall a day during that time, where she hasn't been excited to get to work!


By Shonagh Walker

Lifestyle Writer

Shonagh Walker is a multi-award-winning lifestyle writer and author specialising in beauty, health, fashion, travel, pets and animals. Her career spans over 30 years, and she can't recall a day during that time, where she hasn't been excited to get to work!



The Carousel
