Ruby Rose Talks Beauty @ MBFWA 2014

Nedahl Stelio

Lifestyle Writer

Apr 10, 2014

Meeting Ruby Rose for the first time is like reuniting with an old friend.

Instantly chummy, Ruby is open and honest – a breath of fresh air to talk to in the midst of the chaos that Sydney’s 2014 Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. Of course, there’s that face which projects a strong and beautiful woman; both qualities that no doubt explain why she’s been tapped as a Maybelline ambassador. We spoke to Ruby about all things beauty, to see how she gets her look.

We asked her about her skincare secrets, she said, “I know it’s not really a beauty trick, but…” – watch the video above to find out…

Next week, Ruby Rose talks health, body image and her new engagement…

Ruby Rose attended Merces-Benz Fashion Week 2014 in her former role as a Maybelline Ambassador.

Michael Theodoridis Cyclone Imaging

Nedahl Stelio

Nedahl Stelio was previously editor of Cleo magazine and has been an editor at Cosmopolitan, Good Food and the Fairfax 'Health' section and a contributor for The Carousel. She wrote the book Mojo Mama Secrets. Now Nedahl is the founder and owner of Recreation Beauty.


By Nedahl Stelio

Lifestyle Writer

Nedahl Stelio was previously editor of Cleo magazine and has been an editor at Cosmopolitan, Good Food and the Fairfax 'Health' section and a contributor for The Carousel. She wrote the book Mojo Mama Secrets. Now Nedahl is the founder and owner of Recreation Beauty.



One thought on “Ruby Rose Talks Beauty @ MBFWA 2014

  1. Every time I meet her she is always down to earth and caring and always makes you feel good about your self! She’s also just a really nice person and would love to meet her and her fiancé Phoebe oneday

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