How do Women Around the World Really Feel about Ageing?

Wrinkles Schminkles
Marie-Antoinette Issa

Lifestyle Editor

Jan 30, 2025

Ageing is as inevitable as your morning coffee addiction. (And, the fact that no one ever replaces the last roll of toilet paper). But, how do women around the world, really feel about getting older? Well, based on recent research by cult Aussie beauty brand Wrinkles Schminkles, that depends on where you live…

According to the silicone patch pioneers, while ageing is a natural part of life, it’s also complicated – a complex combination of fear, wisdom and the kind of confidence that comes with knowing exactly what an honour it is to spot your first signs of pigmentation. And, although ageing is often associated with fine lines, sun spots, and skin changes that can be hard to embrace, there’s also a lot to love about the skin you’re in.

So, what happened when Wrinkles Schminkles asked over 1,500 women across Australia, the US, and the UK to spill the tea on their thoughts about getting older? A mix of acceptance, frustration, and a whole lot of calls to cancel the term ‘anti-ageing’ once and for all.

The Great Ageing Divide: Who Feels the Most Conflicted?

Turns out, Aussie women are having the toughest time making peace with the passage of time. A whopping 64% of Australian women said they don’t love the changes they’re seeing in the mirror, but they also accept that ageing is just part of life. In comparison, 59% of American women and 57% of British women feel the same way.

In other words? We’re wrestling with our crow’s feet more than our international counterparts, but we’re also embracing them in equal measure. Talk about emotional whiplash!

The Pressure to Look Forever 21 (Even When You’re 51)

The beauty industry has been throwing ‘anti-ageing’ at us for decades, and many women feel like it’s time to retire the phrase for good. The survey found that 58% of Aussie women, 55% of American women, and 45% of British women feel like they’re under constant pressure to fight off ageing as if it’s some kind of battle.

But why does getting older have to be something we’re ‘fighting’? Can’t we just, you know, live? Laugh? Love our laugh lines?

Bye-Bye ‘Anti-Ageing’ – For Good!

It’s official: the world is ready to break up with the term ‘anti-ageing’ like a bad ex.

71% of Aussie and American women, and 68% of British women, said they’re over it. An,d when it comes to beauty brands using more positive, inclusive language, a massive 88% of Aussie and British women, and 84% of American women, said ‘Yes Please!’

Translation? We want to see skin care and beauty products that celebrate getting older rather than making us feel like we need to reverse time.

A study by Wrinkles Shmimkles has revealed how women really feel about ageing

So, What’s Next?

Wrinkles Schminkles is taking the hint. The brand is committed to keeping things real – whether you’re someone who’s all about embracing your grey or simply on a mission to keep things as smooth as a fresh bedsheet. No shame, no judgement. Just good skin (however you want it to look).

So, whether you’re slathering on retinol like your life depends on it or rocking your silver strands with pride, one thing’s for sure, according to Wrinkles Schminkles – “You do bloody you”.

Marie-Antoinette Issa

Marie-Antoinette Issa is the Lifestyle Editor for The Carousel and Women Love Tech. She has worked across news and women's lifestyle magazines and websites including Cosmopolitan, Cleo, Madison, Concrete Playground, The Urban List and Daily Mail, I Quit Sugar and Huffington Post.


By Marie-Antoinette Issa

Lifestyle Editor

Marie-Antoinette Issa is the Lifestyle Editor for The Carousel and Women Love Tech. She has worked across news and women's lifestyle magazines and websites including Cosmopolitan, Cleo, Madison, Concrete Playground, The Urban List and Daily Mail, I Quit Sugar and Huffington Post.



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