What My Mum Taught Me About Beauty

Chrisanthi Kaliviotis

Beauty Expert

May 09, 2021

To celebrate Mother’s Day, we asked a few of our favourite girls what their mothers taught them about beauty, and what they wish they had listened to – because, mother always know best.

mum taught me about beauty
Kate her mum, Gai

Kate Waterhouse

On what she taught you…

My mum taught me so much about beauty. She is always beautifully presented and always encouraged me to try and look my best. My mum also has amazing skin. She taught me to look after my skin from an early age and I can only hope my skin is in as good condition as my mum’s is at her age!

On her favourite products…

My mum never goes anywhere without lipstick… she uses multiple brands but has a large collection of YSL shades. I’m more of an eye girl and can quite happily forget about lipstick but I won’t go anywhere without mascara!

On following her beauty regime…

I’m always trying new products but yes, we do follow a similar beauty regime. She always told me to use a cleanser, toner and moisturiser twice a day, morning and night, and I’ve done that since I was 16 years old.
On what you wish you had listened to…

I wish I had listed to her advice to wear sunscreen when I was a teen! Now I never leave the house without it on, but as a teen I never could be bothered. But she does make me smile is when I try to go for the “beachy hair” look and she will always chase me around with a brush trying to smooth out my “messy” hair. That’s one beauty look we will never agree on!

mum taught me about beauty

Elyse and her mum, Kim. Image, Instagram @elyseknowzly

Elyse Knowles

On what she taught you…

“My mum was a true believer in moisturiser. It was always the first thing you did as soon as you got out of the shower. She would say, “Look after your skin young darling and you won’t have wrinkles like me” – I’m glad l listened haha!

On her favourite products…

Mum always used a beautiful blush. She glowed with pinky cheeks and when l was younger she would put a little on my cheeks for special occasions – I  always felt so grown up!

On following her beauty regime…

We are now both loving the new ultra3 pretty plum blush!”

mum taught me about beauty
Deborah and her mum, Dell

Deborah Hutton

On what she taught you…

Not a hell of a lot to be honest, in her day it was a jar of Ponds Cream that did the trick. She did however introduce me to the Clinique 1, 2, 3 Step Cleansing, Tone, Moisturise routine when I was 15, which instilled within me a good understanding of looking after my skin.

On her favourite products…

 Olay…didn’t everyone back then?

 On following her beauty regime…

I was the face of Olay Regenerist for many years and have a great appreciation for their products, but these days I lean more towards cosmeceuticals (Rationale is seriously good!). I feel the need for more active skincare.

On what you wish you had listened to…

None that comes to mind, she was a working mum and a beauty routine was far from the top of her list. Funnily enough, being Queenslanders I wish I’d known more about sun protection! But she always said, “Always look on the bright side of life” – I never knew she had something for Monty Python!

mum taught me about beauty
Mimi Elashiry. Image, Instagram @mimielashiry

Mimi Elashiry

On what she taught you…

Mum taught me that if you feel confident and show that confidence your beauty will shine through.
On her favourite products…
Skincerity – a silicon and water based masque with grapeseed and vitamin E oil. I put it on over night and it heals blemishes, scars, wounds, grazes, eczema anything!
On following her beauty regime…
Hehe I use all natural products and rarely wear makeup too…
On what you wish you had listened to…
“Don’t cut your hair short” – wish I could rewind to when I decided to layer it and lost 6 inches hehe!
mum taught me about beauty
Carissa Walford and her mum, Annick

Carissa Walford

On what she taught you…

“To look after your skin at a young age! Wish I did surprisingly! I’ve been wearing sunscreen on my face every day since school and I really see how my skin hasn’t aged as much as a lot of my other friends who are 28 or even younger.

On her favourite products…

She loves Clinque products and I started using their night cream at a young age when I didn’t know too much about beauty. So night anti-wrinkle creams for the face and eyes.

On following her beauty regime…

We don’t because mum has an allergy to certain products and she’s very sensitive. I love the Clinque Toner that she uses and I steal that for her every now and again.

On what you wish you had listened to…

Don’t go in the sun and tan!!! I’m pretty good now and I actually like looking ‘white’ rather than tanned!! God she hassles me on a daily basis! But I’m a mummy’s girl so I generally listen to her too!

Chrisanthi Kaliviotis

With her lyrical turn of phrase and penchant for uber-glamour, Chrisanthi Kaliviotis is in her element writing about beauty for The Carousel, while weaving in fun fashion and pop culture references. She also loves a road test, so we send many of the new hair tools that arrive her way (she actually knows how to use them). Have you seen that hair?


By Chrisanthi Kaliviotis

Beauty Expert

With her lyrical turn of phrase and penchant for uber-glamour, Chrisanthi Kaliviotis is in her element writing about beauty for The Carousel, while weaving in fun fashion and pop culture references. She also loves a road test, so we send many of the new hair tools that arrive her way (she actually knows how to use them). Have you seen that hair?



The Carousel
