Behold: The Tweexy.
If you just had a ‘wow this is something I never knew I needed’ moment, then believe us, you are not alone.
The Tweexy is a wearable nail polish holder made of rubber, designed to mould around your fingers and fit any bottle, so you can keep your paint stable while you tend to the important stuff: your manicure.
This ingenious rubber invention comes in a variety of different colours, so you can look glam whilst applying your polish – so it’s practical and looks fab, not two words you often hear side-by-side!
This gadget will save us from being confined to painting our nails at the table and desk, or taking the risk of ruining our sofas and bedspreads.
We no longer have to paint in fear of a spillage. Thank you Tweexy.
Available on Amazon for $14.95.
This post was last modified on 27/10/2021 12:22 pm