What are your health and beauty tips?
Remember that a healthy lifestyle means working towards not only feeling good on the outside but also the inside! Make sure you not only take care of your skin, hair, and body but eat healthy foods and work out regularly, which will benefit your physical health as well as your mental and emotional well-being.
I’m a serious believer in eating the right foods and for me, that means focusing on eating a huge range of vegetables, lots of healthy fats, grass-fed protein and some nuts and seeds. Avoiding sugar and processed foods is something that GREATLY benefits your body, so I avoid eating this whenever I can.
I know that may seem overwhelming, but you can make it a gradual process by cutting down eating the unhealthy stuff slowly, and replace it with natural foods that still taste great but nourish your body (I love to snack on berries and activated nuts).
Also, supplementing your diet with vitamins, especially vitamins B and C to boost immunity is something I really recommend – I always make sure I take my HIVITA Immunity and Women’s Multi before kick-starting my day.
Drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated is also very important (boring but true!) and I always recommend drinking warm water with sea salt and lemon in the mornings to rehydrate your body, boost metabolism and improve digestion!
What’s your daily exercise routine?
Four times a week, I head over to my local F45 studio and workout. The 45 minutes of high-intensity first thing in the morning leaves me feeling sweaty, energised and ready to start my day! I also train once a week with my personal trainer, Tony Akindoyin at Virgin Active, to help with my form and make sure I’m doing the right thing.
I also believe rest is really important, so if I’m tired I give myself a break and just go for a nice long walk. Even just 20 minutes of walking a day can lift your emotional well-being and benefit your bone and muscle health.
What is your typical food regime and why?
I like to maintain a healthy food regime as best I can, meaning natural, unprocessed whole foods and avoiding sugar and artificial sweeteners – good skin really does start from within! I love packing my meals with good fats, minimal carbs and plenty of fresh veggies, so for breakfast I typically have two scrambled eggs cooked with coconut oil, sautéed spinach, avo and sea salt.
Lunch is usually a huge bowl of roasted veggies with salmon or grilled chicken, another avo (I’m obsessed!) drizzled with olive oil and tahini, topped with some pine nuts. Berries, nuts, dark chocolate or brownies made with zucchini are my absolute favourites for an afternoon snack! Then dinner I might have some bone broth with veggies and chicken thighs.
How do you look after your skin?
I often opt for the effortless beauty routine on a regular basis. I cleanse, tone and moisturise daily and make sure I take off my makeup before bed (this is such as simple thing but makes such a difference to your skin!). HIVITA is definitely my go-to brand to nourish and moisturise my body and it’s the one product I can’t skip during my daily skincare routine.
I absolutely love the HIVITA Luminous White Skin Renewal Cream and use it to moisturise my skin day and night. It has this velvety texture and is super absorbent, and my skin has really reaped the benefits since I started using it.
Also, natural products that aren’t harsh on your skin, are really important to me (for a healthy glow and to minimise breakouts!) and I really enjoy the benefits of HIVITA’s natural ingredients such as rare white tomato and Jojoba seed. La Prairie’s Cellular 3-Minute Peel is another game-changing product in my regime; I use it as a weekly booster to help renew and refresh my skin- it’s like giving myself a facial at home, and I notice results right away!
I also use my Nu Skin LumiSpa cleansing device every morning and night to give my skin a really deep cleanse.
I believe that good skin really does come from within, so hydrating myself with plenty of water is really important, as is avoiding sugar and processed foods. Since focusing on incorporating lots of healthy fats into my diet, my skin has really reaped the benefits – it’s so plump, glowy and clear!
Aside from food, I also take a HIVITA Women’s Multi each day to make sure I’m receiving the right amounts of vitamins and minerals for my body, and also take my HIVITA Ultra Skin Lightening Booster alongside my Skin Renewal Cream to help keep my skin clear and healthy!
What beauty tips did you learn from your mum?
My mum is my biggest role model when it comes to beauty, but not because of any beauty tips or tricks she’s given me. She actually wears NO makeup (I’ve only seen her wear makeup a handful of times when she gets it professionally done, such as at my wedding or at the Gregory Jewellers Mother’s Day shoot we did together).
She doesn’t even follow a skincare routine apart from washing her face with Dove soap once a day and moisturising with Nivea cream (which she’s done since her teens). I don’t necessarily advocate this routine, but she actually has the most incredible skin! For my mum, the most important thing is looking after your skin from the inside out, so she’s instilled in me the importance of nourishing your body with a healthy diet.
She inspires me with her confidence and total security in being her true self – the fact that she doesn’t need makeup or any anti-aging treatments to feel more confident, is so incredible given the society we live in today (she doesn’t even dye her hair and celebrates the new greys coming through!).
What mum has taught me above all is that true beauty comes from within and is defined by the kind of person you are.
This post was last modified on 29/01/2019 11:53 am