How to apply concealer in two easy steps
It’s the magical beauty essential which makes flaws and dark circles disappear immediately and can even brighten up a tired look as it conceals.
So how do you make concealer work to your complexion’s best advantage? Beauty Expert Eleanor Pendleton is here with the answers.
Every woman knows the power of a good concealer but its all about how and where you apply one that makes all the difference. Personally I like to apply mine before my foundation to target any redness but many make-up artists differ. Today I’m going to show you how to apply it.
Using a concealer one shade lighter than your skin done, will allow you to conceal and highlight at the same time. Saving on using two different products. You can get all different types of concealer, creams, sticks and liquids. Its just about finding what works for you. Today I’m using The One Concealer by Napoleon Perdis. To start place 4 dots under the eye area, 2 around the nose which can be prone to redness, 2 on the chin, 2 on the nasolabial folds which also known as the smile lines or laugh lines and 2 at the hair line. Then either using your fingers or a concealer brush like I’m and blend it in. To finish a little bit of concealer on the eyelids makes you look more awake as there are lots of little blood vessels on the lids. This will also help your eye shadow last longer.
And thats how you apply concealer. Now you can pop on your foundation and face the day!
Tell us about your experiences applying concealer in the comments below!
This post was last modified on 27/04/2020 5:33 pm