Incidental UV Exposure – It’s Not Always Fun In The Sun

Incidental UV Exposure – It’s Not Always Fun In The Sun When It Comes To Healthy Skin
Becky Peach-Davies

Beauty Writer

Oct 19, 2021

You might have slathered yourself in Factor 50 whilst sitting in the shade every chance you got but there’s a new hazard out there that’s waging war on our skin.

Incidental UV exposure is the latest industry buzz that has us flocking to our beauticians to stave off the sun’s harmful effects on our skin.

So what does ‘incidental UV exposure’ actually mean? If you ever wait for a bus, have coffee with friends, hang out the washing or drive to and from work, chances are you have picked up some serious incidental UV exposure all year round.

As we spring into summer, there’s no time like the present to do some well-timed damage control.

Having a monthly facial and not following up with a home routine using the right products is a bit like going to the dentist and not brushing your teeth between visits.

Enter the latest wave of anti-ageing sun creams and serums combined with powerful SPF designed purely to speed repair and boost your skin’s defences against the elements. Murad from LA stocked at Peach & Co Beauty and Laser Clinic in Edgecliff, Sydney, is a results driven collection created by the renowned dermatologist Dr Murad. Catering to all skin types, the inventor of glycolic acid believes in a holistic approach to skin that covers not only the products you use but diet, exercise and mental health to ensure that your skin maintains a youthful glow.

The Environmental Shield range within the Murad product line is geared to limiting the long-term consequences of incidental UV damage —hyperpigmentation, fine lines, loss of elasticity, and dryness.

The pros of using UV protection daily are enormous – allowing you to help safeguard your skin against skin cancer as well as the signs of ageing.

So you can have fun in the sun but only if you switch up your skincare regime to give you UV protection at all times.

The Carousel would like to thank Rebecca Peach-Davies for this article.

Becky Peach-Davies

Beck Peach-Davies is a beauty writer.


By Becky Peach-Davies

Beauty Writer

Beck Peach-Davies is a beauty writer.



The Carousel
