Usually it’s great to be noticed but definitely not for the wrong reasons.
We all know a visible panty line is a big no-no when it comes to getting dressed but what about beauty mistakes? Here you will find all the biggest beauty boos-boos women makes. If you are guilty of any of these crimes we advise you to rectify it immediately unless you want to end up displayed on a “what not to do” page…
1. Chipped Nails
I know it’s a hassle if your nails are chipped but this is the quickest way to look either tacky or unprofessional. If the colour is coming off it’s got to go. Don’t try painting the same colour over the chipped areas and expecting it to look polished – it won’t, unless it’s just the one random nail. The best way to remedy this situation is to keep nail -polish remover wipes or the bottle in your bag or at your desk at all times. This is one instance where it is better to be completely bare rather than half-covered.

2. Bad Eyebrow Job
One big mistake women make with their beauty routine is over-plucking their eyebrows or leaving them untouched for weeks or months. Eyebrows should be in proportion to your face shape. If you have no idea how to work a pair of tweezers then I recommend visiting a professional and following that first visit do your best to keep them well-maintained. If you opt to keep your eyebrows in shape by yourself you need to use a very large mirror and after every few tweezes step back to check the symmetry of brows and their shape. Otherwise let the professionals do what they do best!
3. Dreaded White Neck & Other Foundation Mistakes
I know we all have a tendency to ignore our necks but when it comes to applying foundation you need to go all the way. Make sure to apply a little to the neck area as well because there is nothing more noticeable than one color for your face and another (in this case, nothing!) on your neck.
Foundation is also supposed to even out your skin tones, not to leave you with a too-dark or too-light mask effect. If it looks like a mask, you have to wash it off. To choose the right colour foundation, always try it on your face in the natural light. Mineral make ups also generally look very natural as they blend in well with your natural skin pigment.

4. Lipsticks Boo-Boos
When it comes to lipsticks there is such thing as too matchy-matchy. Point to keep in mind first – your lipstick should work with your skin, hair colour and your mood, not your outfit. Never, ever match your lipstick or gloss to your new brown top, peachy jacket or bright red formal dress. Do what suits YOU, your face and your mood before taking your wardrobe into consideration.
Also absolutely no mismatched colours for lipliners and lipsticks – this is the BIGGEST beauty mistake of all. Don’t even try outlining your lips with a darker colour and leaving it displayed for everyone to see (nightmares for everyone!) unless you want to look like a kiddie clown.
5. A Pretty Smell or Stink?
When it comes to spraying on perfume make sure not to drown yourself in your favourite scent. Avoid over dosing yourself with your perfume; as your nose becomes desensitized to your signature scent you will need to put twice as much to be able to smell it yourself but that doesn’t mean other people won’t be swamped with the smell – you don’t want people to be able to smell you from a mile away! To avoid this from happening it’s a good idea to switch your fragrances from time to time.

6. Eye Shadow
It’s fine to have a little fun when you choose your eyeshadow colours but make sure to give at least some thought before you go crazy with it. Are you using too much, is it too bright, does it suit you at all? Never ever wear bright eye shadow and lipstick at the same time during the day. Choose a shadow with touch of colour that complements your eyes or if you are not sure simply pick a shade that is darker or lighter than your iris.
7. Why do I have another pimple?
Want to know the quickest way to get a skin infection or blemish? Never ever wash your makeup brushes or sponges. This is something lots of women forget to do but cleaning make up brushes on a regular basis is a must. It only takes few minutes per week to wash them and it will effectively prevent the collection of bacteria which is harmful for the skin.

8. Messy Mascara
While mascara can make an incredible difference to the length and impressiveness of one’s lashes it can also cause a beauty disaster if you end up with dreaded dots along the edge of your eyelids. You may not be able to see it when your lashes are hiding from view but be sure that everyone else will be privy to your mascara mistake. To prevent this boo-boo from happening run a cotton bud dipped in eye makeup remover along your lash line and wipe away any excess. And while we are speaking about mascara make sure to replace your product every three months otherwise you risk clumpy eyelashes – not a good look!
9. Blushing Over Blush
IF you wear blush make sure to wear it on the highest point of your cheekbones NOT on the apples of your cheek as some may have been taught to do so when they were naive nine years old and first experimenting with makeup. Make sure to use a brush that’s large enough to cover the whole cheekbone and use natural shades, unless you wish to look like a clown. The ultimate goal of blush to flatter your skin tone and brighten your face up rather than illustrating to the world how inept you are at applying makeup.

10. Eyeliner on your lower lashes
All this does is make your eyes look smaller and draws attention to any dark circles you may have. So stick to using eyeliner on your upper lids only. Also make sure that the line is thicker toward the outer corners, where eyes have a tendency to droop as we age.
Matty Samaei is one of the most experienced & highly respected practitioners in the non-surgical cosmetic field.