What Your Hair Says About Your Personality

You know the old cliché ‘the eyes are the window to your soul’? Ask any hairdresser and they’ll set you straight – your hair says far more about you than your peepers!

Throughout the late 90s and early 00s, boring long straight hair was everywhere, from the catwalk and the silver screen to the streets of Manhattan and cobbled pavements of Paris. Today, we have an influx of styles, colours and textures thanks to the bravery and style choices of celebrities like Kirsten Stewart, Rihanna, Jennifer Lawrence and Miley Cyrus – making it so much easier to read into your personality.

The Australian College Broadway has seen more heads of hair than they can count and developed a sixth sense when it comes to special requests from their clients. They give us the insider secrets on what your hairdresser is really thinking when you ask for a drastic chop or complete colour change.

The ‘just a bit off the ends’

If you’ve ever said this to your hairdresser, you’re generally a ‘play it safe’ kind of girl who doesn’t take to change very well. Believe it or not, the ‘trim the ends’ client is generally one of the hardest to please, as they don’t have a clear picture in their head of what they want, or they want a hair-cut, but don’t want to lose any length – which is impossible! The key with this one is clear communication. If you want the bare minimum snipped off the ends of your hair, let your hairdresser know, but understand that this will mean you’re still going to be left with some split ends.

Oftentimes the reason you might be unhappy with the amount your hairdresser snips, is because we’ll generally try and get rid of the dry ends that are prone to splitting (which can cause long lasting damage), so bear this in mind next time you ask for ‘a trim’.

Hairdresser files: What your hair says about you

Image courtesy of The Australian College Broadway

The drastic chop

This generally signals a break-up or new stage in a woman’s life, and when we get asked to snip a huge chunk of hair, we know to tread carefully. At this stage in the appointment, you may notice your hairdresser spending more time talking through the style you’ve requested, as well as the pros and cons. We aren’t trying to talk you out of it, but we will definitely give you more time to reconsider before cutting. The chop can be liberating and is best for the confident girl who doesn’t mind making a statement.

Your hair speaks volumes about you

Image courtesy of The Australian College Broadway

The pop of colour

Bright colours can be the perfect way to liven up a dull or dated look and with this season seeing a rainbow of hues, everything from pastel purple (a la Nicole Richie) to lush reds (thanks to gorgeous ladies such as Emma Stone, Amy Adams and Isla Fischer), there’s no excuses not to make the change. Girls that go for bright colours are outgoing, opinionated and not afraid of trying new things. I’ve never come across a client who’s requested a bright colour change and been nervous or apprehensive about it – they’re always excited and so sure of themselves.

Bold hair colour says it all

Image courtesy of The Australian College Broadway

The lob

This request has popped up more frequently over the last 12 months and is generally from a client who wants a low maintenance, trend-driven style that doesn’t require too much commitment. She has classic tastes, is organised and tends to think things through before making a decision. Because the lob grows out quickly and is so versatile, it’s long enough to be worn in a ponytail, but short enough to make a statement.  It is a style that we’ll be seeing right through to summer 2015. The chop can be liberating and is best for the confident girl who doesn’t mind making a statement.

Be proud with your hairstyle

Image courtesy of The Australian College Broadway

The Australasian College Broadway is Australia’s benchmark in hair, beauty and make-up education, with thousands of students passing through its doors every year. Celebrating its 20th anniversary, The College offers a diverse range of courses and has just launched a Bachelor of Applied Health Science (Clinical Aesthetics). 

What do you think your hair says about you? Tell us in the comments below!  

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.

This post was last modified on 16/03/2017 8:55 am

The Carousel: The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.
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