Face Mapping: 30 Second Test To Identify Your Pimple Zones

Face Mapping: 30 Second Test to Identify Your Pimple Zones
Franki Hobson


Nov 03, 2016

No two spots are the same. In fact, the area of your face that your pimples appear can tell you a lot about what is going with your skin, body, health and more. Here’s how…

The Test: Look at the face mapped image above. Identify the location of your spots. Now, read below to find the possible causes and solutions.

‘Face mapping’ is the new buzzword in skin diagnosis, where your face is literally divided up and common skin issues can be identified according to the zone they appear in. But while the term may be new, this diagnostic tool dates back eons and is closely linked to the ancient Chinese Facial Diagnosis.

Here, Emma Hobson, Education Manager for the International Dermal Institute and Dermalogica, explains how ancient wisdom and modern science and skin technology are being used by skincare brand Dermalogica, and their new ‘Face mapping’ tool to identify the causes, and solutions, for skin breakouts. “As a result of the hundreds of years of skilled observations by medical practitioners, we have the ability to see how the face can tell us so much about ourselves and how it is a clear reflection of our inner wellness,” explains Emma. “Imagine your face as a mirror that reflects the internal health, stresses and challenges your body is facing both from a long term as well as a short term perspective.

Blending the best from Eastern as well as Western techniques of skin diagnosis, we can ‘read’ the signals that our body communicates via our face and our skin. This enables us to be better prepared and armed with the information, and how to best customise and treat our customers by achieving the results they are seeking. A slight adjustment in your skin care program, diet and lifestyle can make all the difference in how we can bring our body back into harmony and balance, sound advice a therapist can share with their customers.”

Here’s, Emma explains what the breakout means according to its zone…

Zone 1, 2 or 3 – A breakout in between the brows (AKA wine and dine zone)

A: This zone is known as the ‘wine and dine area’ – a breakout could possibly be reflecting intolerance to food such as dairy products, wheat or processed sugars, poor eating habits or over consumption of alcohol. The therapist can assist with the current skin condition and provide suggestions as to the possible causes, which may be simply tweaking the skin care and lifestyle options accordingly.

Zones 5, 9, 13 & 11 – Breakouts or pigmentation on the cheeks and lung stress (smoking)

A: The upper cheek zone relates to the lungs. If they are red or irritated you may have or had a recent cold or flu, or have inhaled something disagreeable. More long term lung stress from Asthma or someone who smokes could be seen as broken capillaries, poor skin texture, increased sensitivity and the creation of a ‘lung line’ from flaccid skin on either side of the nose mouth area. If you’re getting persistent breakouts on your lower cheeks, this may be because this area relates to the gums and back teeth. The breakouts in this area may be related to dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, gingivitis or possibly irritated wisdom teeth. Apart from a spot clearing product and treatment, options a trip to the dentist may just be the solution!

Zone 7 – A red nose

A: In Chinese face reading the nose corresponds with the heart, therefore a constantly red nose may reflect circulatory problems, which includes high blood pressure.

Zone 10, 1 & 3 – Pimples on the hairline

A: The upper part of the forehead is associated with the bladder, so breakouts could be a result from a recent bladder infection or something similar. Also, this could be caused from poor cleansing, your cleanser, or from hair care products that contain comedogenic ingredients, which can cause breakouts.

dermalogica-1Treat spots with Dermalogica Medibac Concealing Spot Treatment, $36.

For more information about Dermalogica’s Face mapping program, visit www.dermalogica.com.au

Have you identified the causes and solutions for skin breakouts on your skin? Tell us in the comments below!

Franki Hobson

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