How to Get Smooth and Sexy Legs Instantly

Whether you want to have supermodel smooth legs or you simply want to feel confident showing them off in shorts, skirts and dresses come summer, that can’t be achieved without a little bit of effort. If you want to have perfectly smooth and silky legs, it’s going to take a lot more than just a disposable razor and two extra minutes in the shower – you’ll need to take time for proper care and a bit of exercise before you can stride with pride. So, here is how to get perfectly smooth and sexy legs instantly:

Improve your shaving routine

While many of us choose shaving as our primary hair removal method, not a lot of women know how to do it properly and most efficiently. Firstly, make sure your shower or bath is warm enough to open up your pores, which will give you a closer shave, and then give your legs at least 5 minutes to take in the hydration. Secondly, exfoliate your legs with a loofah and a body scrub, in order to remove dead skin cells, align your hairs and reduce the risk of ingrown hairs. 

Then, apply a light layer of shaving cream to your legs, making sure to cover every spot, even down to your ankles. Use a fresh, new razor and shave your legs against the grain for a close shave. In order to get the best results and minimize the risk of cuts, it’s best to use short strokes and rinse your razor after every stroke. After rinsing your legs with cold water to close up your pores, make sure to apply a generous amount of thick moisturizer on your legs, for the ultimate smooth and sexy look.

Explore alternative methods

While it may hurt a lot more than shaving, getting a wax or using an electric epilator gives you results that last much longer. Since these methods pluck your hair directly from the root, your legs will be smoother and hair-free a lot longer than they would be if you simply shaved. Alternatively, another hair removal method you could try are depilatory creams. While they may have had an extremely unpleasant smell and weren’t as effective once, they have come a long way, and are now a very efficient way of removing unwanted hair, and definitely worth a try. Even though these creams are a cheaper alternative, bear in mind that they contain some harsh chemicals and aren’t very safe for sensitive skin.

Give laser hair remover a try

If you are serious about hair removal and you don’t want to do it manually every couple of days, especially during the summer, the best idea might be to opt for laser hair removal. Aussie girls are very fond of this procedure and they’re well aware of the fact that it needs to be done in a safe environment by a highly trained professional, which is precisely why they opt for trusty laser hair removal in Perth if they want to achieve optimal results. However, they also know that protecting their skin is the most important thing. 

Even though this procedure isn’t harmful of invasive in any way, your skin might be more sensitive after the session, which is why it is crucial to keep it away from sun exposure, tanning lotions and other potentially harmful products. Therefore, it might be best to schedule an appointment now, in order to be able to have smooth and sexy legs you can proudly show off when summer comes.

Tighten up with vigorous exercise

If you want to achieve firm and sexy legs fast, the best idea would be to combine cardio with targeted leg and butt exercises and aim for 30 minutes a day, six days a week. Some of the best exercises for sculpting your legs include plank kicks and seated straddle circles. Plank kicks are done from a plank starting position, by placing your knee on the mat at an inverted angle, then kicking your leg up and behind you, holding it about a foot and a half higher than your hip, while making sure your butt stays down, then bringing your leg back down and repeating the process with your other leg. 

Seated saddle circles are done by sitting on the floor with your hands close in front of you and your legs extended forward and wide apart, then raising your leg, while keeping it straight, and performing 10 circles with your toes clockwise and counterclockwise, before repeating with the other leg and completing three sets for each leg.

And there you have it, sexy, glowing, silky smooth and ‘straight off the beach at Amalfi’ legs – all you have to do achieve them is to put a little bit of time and effort into your hair removal and exercise routines.

The Carousel would like to thank Sophia Smith for her story.

Sophia Smith

Sophia Smith is an Australian based fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger. She is very passionate about photography, interior design and DIY projects. Sophia writes mostly in beauty and fashion related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. She is a regular contributor at Women Love Tech and High Style Life.

This post was last modified on 01/05/2020 12:33 pm

Sophia Smith: Sophia Smith is an Australian based fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger. She is very passionate about photography, interior design and DIY projects. Sophia writes mostly in beauty and fashion related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. She is a regular contributor at Women Love Tech and High Style Life.
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