How To Do A Flipped-Over Ponytail – The Hair Romance Series

How To Do A Flipped-Over Ponytail: The Hair Romance Series
Franki Hobson


Oct 12, 2016

Yee-hah cowgirl! Take the crown for the best ponytail with this easy-peasy style that looks super sleek for work, play or big-day.

In this edited extract series, Christina Butcher, author of Hair Romance shows you step-by-step how to get the look. Happy Hair Days!

Turn the classic ponytail style on its head with the flipped-over ponytail. By turning the base of the ponytail inside out and pushing it through itself, you can add body to your ponytail and give it a different dimension. The knot or bun that you’re left with at the base of the ponytail is its own accessory, though a flower corsage or ribbon can be added for a touch of colour. Perfect for school, work, or going out with friends, this style is a pretty alternative to a regular ponytail.

Difficulty level of ponytail

Ideal hair length
Medium to long

Hair extensions needed?

Assistance needed?

Use hair elastics that match the colour of your hair to keep them inconspicuous. Add a pin or flower corsage in between the flip for an elegant or formal look.

Try this to jazz up your ponytail
Combine the flipped-over ponytail with the half ponytail for a pretty half-up style. You can also continue flipping your ponytail for a double- or triple-flip hairstyle. Combine this technique with the bobble ponytail for an almost-braided ponytail look.

Ponytail diagram

Hair romance book jacket


Christina Butcher is the founder and author of beauty blog Hair Romance, where he shares daily inspiration, hair and beauty tips, tricks and advice. Christina’s book, Hair Romance, $24.99, is available at Murdoch Books. Christina can also be found on Pinterest and on Youtube at ‘Hair Romance TV’.

Franki Hobson

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