Residents living in metropolitan Melbourne are lock down following Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews’ announcement that the city is undergoing stage four restrictions. And we’re being advised to wear masks and adhere to strict social distancing rules when we are in public places such as restaurants and supermarkets.

Spotlight is stepping in to help residents access the appropriate materials and a free, downloadable sewing pattern is available on the Spotlight website.

A huge range of fabrics and elastic for making suitable, reusable cloth face masks and face coverings is available to purchase online from Spotlight at
A free sewing pattern is available for download here and an instructional video can be found below.
Spotlight’s dedicated Crafts for a Cause hub also provides an online space where like minded sewers can share tips and advice.
Spotlight CEO Quentin Gracanin said “Spotlight is committed to helping Australians get through this pandemic with access to the materials and items needed to help protect ourselves, our loved ones and our community.
“If you’re a keen sewer, we encourage you to make masks for yourself and your family, and we’re asking our interstate friends to lend a helping hand via our Crafts for A Cause Facebook group.”
Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews MP, in a press conference recently said: “People living in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire will now be required to wear a face covering when leaving home for one of the four reasons.
“We’re urging Victorians – just as you remember to take your keys when you leave the house, you need to remember to take something to cover your face, to help keep you and our community safe.”
We’re going to be wearing masks in Victoria, and potentially in other parts of the country, for a very long time.”