Facing Up To Filler: Confessions Of A Cosmetic Junkie

Not me, my palms are sweating, my heart is racing and I’m acting slightly odd (well more odd than usual).

I’m one of those people that always expect the worse; I’m already envisaging the needle getting stuck and having to be rushed off to emergency.

Don’t fret – my worries are unfounded. They always are. The good doctor puts me at ease. He explains I may bruise, the area will be tender, don’t exercise for a day or two, put arnica on (great for helping with the bruises) and drink lots of water.

I was also told not to take my fish oils the week prior (as this helps minimise the bruising). I have topical numbing cream applied and once that has taken effect we have lift off.

I can feel a tiny pin pick, but nothing major. I can feel the product (I have Perlane) go into my face, but it is not painful at all.

The good doctor took his time, passed me the mirror every so often so I could see the changes and to ensure I was happy with them.

He also reminds me that the look we are after is an improvement, not to change my face shape, but just to ‘freshen’ me up a bit.

I had one mil of Perlane injected into my nasolabial folds (the line from my nose to the corner of my mouth).

Because this is a natural part of ageing and we all get this line (unless we are 18 and let’s face it, those days are long gone), my doctor only injects at the top of the fold.

If you inject all the way down, you can end up looking like an ape (no, really – that’s how he explained it to me) and let’s face it, we have evolved people – so I’m all for looking natural.

I am extremely pleased with the result. I have had no swelling and no bruising (I put this down to ditching the fish oil one week prior to the procedure).

This filler can last about six months to a year.

Remember, the goal is to look refreshed and natural.

Here are some other points to keep in mind if you’re thinking of following me into the chair:

  • It didn’t hurt
  • I didn’t swell, but if you do it won’t last long – a few days
  • I didn’t bruise, but if you do it can last a week
  • I had Perlane, a filler that is perfect for the nasolabial folds as it has more volume
  • Stop the fish oil a week prior to the procedure
  • It’s always best to get less, you can always go back for more if needed
  • Has anyone noticed I’ve had something done – no, but a few people have said my skin looks great!
  • Do I notice a change in the fold/deep wrinkle? – Yes
  • Was it worth it? Yes!
  • It cost $700 at the particular clinic I went to (costs can vary depending on the product used)
  • Will I go back – YES!

By Jo Harvey-Graham

Our cosmetic junkie will return soon to report first-hand on the myriad of beauty treatments available: “It’s tough being the pin-cushion but someone’s got to do it”.

Jo Harvey-Graham

A one-time colleague of The Carousel's publisher Robyn Foyster while they worked together at New Idea, Jo has been in publishing for most of her working life. She ran a successful boutique media publishing house in New Zealand for several years and boasts an impeccable sales, marketing and management background. When she’s not road-testing the latest cosmetic procedures, or investigating the hottest lifestyle, fashion and beauty trends, Jo is invariably sunning herself in tropical climes, back home in NZ catching up with family and friends, or working on her golf swing!

This post was last modified on 15/08/2016 10:50 am

Jo Harvey-Graham: A one-time colleague of The Carousel's publisher Robyn Foyster while they worked together at New Idea, Jo has been in publishing for most of her working life. She ran a successful boutique media publishing house in New Zealand for several years and boasts an impeccable sales, marketing and management background. When she’s not road-testing the latest cosmetic procedures, or investigating the hottest lifestyle, fashion and beauty trends, Jo is invariably sunning herself in tropical climes, back home in NZ catching up with family and friends, or working on her golf swing!
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