Five Ways These Aussie Eco Undies are “Going Green”

In an era that showcases that it’s possible for sustainability and style to intersect, one Australian underwear brand is stripping down to basics and playing its part to protect our planet. Step One, already known for its incredibly comfortable underwear, is making significant strides towards a greener, more sustainable future. Here are five fab ways Step One eco undies are embracing environmental awareness and reshaping the fashion industry.

Global Fashion Forever Green Pact: Signed, Sealed and Delivering

In a remarkable move, Step One has become Australia’s first signatory of the Global Fashion Forever Green Pact. This ambitious initiative brings together companies committed to taking immediate action to safeguard forests worldwide. While Step One has always aimed to minimise its environmental impact throughout its manufacturing process, this pledge underscores the brand’s unwavering dedication to preserving our planet. By obtaining FSC Certification – a seal of approval that demands rigorous scrutiny of every facet of their business – Step One provides customers with the assurance that their purchases contribute to forest preservation.

A hero for zero deforestation

Step One’s commitment to FSC certification goes hand in hand with their promise to eliminate deforestation. By choosing responsible sourcing practices, the brand ensures that their products have a minimal environmental footprint. This commitment is not just about preserving forests; it’s also a testament to Step One’s dedication to a more sustainable future for us all.

All’s fair in wage & work

Sustainability isn’t just about environmental stewardship; it’s also about ensuring ethical practices throughout the supply chain. Step One is a staunch advocate for fair wages and safe working conditions. This commitment extends beyond their immediate team to every individual involved in the production process. When you choose Step One, you’re supporting a brand that prioritises the well-being of the people behind the products.

Plant and animal protection

Protecting plant and animal species is a crucial aspect of Step One’s eco-conscious journey. The brand’s FSC certification ensures that their use of materials like man-made cellulosic fibres (MMCFs) doesn’t contribute to the threat of deforestation and illegal logging, which harm ecosystems and wildlife. Step One’s choice of bamboo-derived viscose for their garments also reflects their commitment to protecting the environment and its inhabitants.

Local love

Finally, Step One isn’t just about producing eco-friendly undies; it’s also about making a positive impact on local communities. By adhering to sustainable practices and supporting ethical sourcing, Step One ensures that the communities involved in their production processes benefit from their initiatives. This commitment to local communities is a testament to the brand’s holistic approach to sustainability.

Marie-Antoinette Issa

Marie-Antoinette Issa is the Lifestyle Editor for The Carousel and Women Love Tech. She has worked across news and women's lifestyle magazines and websites including Cosmopolitan, Cleo, Madison, Concrete Playground, The Urban List and Daily Mail, I Quit Sugar and Huffington Post.

This post was last modified on 29/09/2023 10:18 am

Marie-Antoinette Issa: Marie-Antoinette Issa is the Lifestyle Editor for The Carousel and Women Love Tech. She has worked across news and women's lifestyle magazines and websites including Cosmopolitan, Cleo, Madison, Concrete Playground, The Urban List and Daily Mail, I Quit Sugar and Huffington Post.
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