Former Bachelor beauty Anna Robards and her fellow-CEO Christie Whitehill know a thing or two about making New Year’s Resolutions. As co-founders of the award-winning ingestible beauty brand, INTU WELLNESS, they are experts at setting goals to live your best life at the start of the year. But beyond that, they’re also absolute bosses when it comes to keeping them! So, should you find your resolve to stress less/exercise more/eat clean for 2024, waning then these five tips for sticking to your new year’s resolutions by two women who have made healthy living their business, are sure to help.
ANNA – Set meaningful goals. Having a “why” behind whatever goal you want to set for yourself can be the difference between you keeping the goal or just being another statistic in the resolution bin that gets given up after one month. While every goal will come with challenges, know why you are doing it and keep that in mind.
ANNA – Make a plan. Once you have your goal and your “why”, create a plan to help you keep that goal. For example, if you are looking to upskill in your career, look for all the conferences and courses you can attend that will help you. Buy the tickets and lock it in. Look up people who inspire you and, read their journey, write down a game plan. I like to have a loose plan I start creating in Dec/ Jan for the year ahead. Every three months, I bulk out the upcoming months and check to ensure I am on track.
CHRISTIE – Prioritise your wellness. As someone who suffered from massive burnout thanks to embracing the “hustle culture” a few years ago, I would recommend to everyone that they should prioritise their wellbeing. Try to work reasonable hours, get enough sleep and nourish your body. (Your INTU WELLNESS Energy and Skin sachets can make it easy to do when you are on the go). What lots of people don’t realise is that burnout can take years to recover from. So, it is best to look after yourself in the first place.
ANNA – Don’t take on too much. If you have too many resolutions, you may spread yourself too thin. To stick with them, I would recommend you pick one or one from each category of life.
CHRISTIE – Make yourself accountable. Have an accountability buddy who is making the resolution with you. Or write down your plan and keep referring back to it to ensure you are on track. Either way, holding yourself accountable is not only crucial to sticking to the plan, but it may also help you identify if you need to tweak the plan.