6 Principles to Live a Soulful Life

Rena Harvey wears many hats. As an author, teacher, healer, reiki master practitioner, intuitive psychic, sound therapist, holistic counsellor, meditation master, spiritual mentor and guide and author she is passionate about empowering individuals to move through their pain and transform it into their power. Below, she shares six powerful principles to live a soulful life so you can to heal, transform, and understand yourself at a deeper level.

Have you felt like your life has been a rollercoaster, filled with struggles and a sense of being stuck?
As a healer, teacher, and holistic counsellor, I discovered six powerful principles developed over 30
years of research, healing and practice which have transformed my life and the lives of hundreds of
clients. By integrating these principles, you can move beyond struggles and embrace personal growth
and fulfillment, tapping into your inner mastery and understanding yourself at a deeper level.

1. Connecting to source, connection to you

To live a soulful life, embrace the concept that you are a spiritual being having a human experience.
You are energy, and understanding its flow, frequency, and vibration helps you achieve your goals
and transform your life. Here you will establish a deep connection with your inner self and the
universe, discovering your purpose. Delving into your conscious, subconscious, and unconscious
mind and recognising that you create your own reality. By harmonising your inner child, human self,
and higher self, you will gain profound self-awareness and realise your life’s purpose. Embrace your
power, live intentionally, and make a meaningful impact. This is the first step to living a soulful life.

2. Reprograming Childhood Wounding

To understand our subconscious limiting beliefs, we must explore the inner child, which consists of
two aspects; the free child and the wounded child. The free child embodies our playful and joyful
aspects, while the wounded child clings to past traumas, seeking evidence to support limiting beliefs.
These unhealed beliefs persist into adulthood, shaping our subconscious patterns and impacting our
lives. This is crucial for personal growth. By reprogramming these thoughts, we can replace limiting
beliefs with positive ones. Reclaiming our power by nurturing the free child allows us to live a soulful
life, filled with joy, creativity, and boundless potential.

3. Positive thinking and creating alignment

By cultivating a positive mindset and understanding vibration and frequency, you align yourself to
manifest the life you envision. The universe mirrors what you vibrate, think, and feel. Your words
shape the energetic landscape of your existence. Just as tuning into a radio frequency is essential to
hear clearly, aligning with the exact vibrational frequency is crucial to manifest your desires. You can
raise your vibration by being aware of your thoughts, words, and feelings. This principle helps you
apply the laws of attraction, closing the gap between the future and the present.

4. The light and dark sides of your being

Everything in existence is made up of duality: up and down, left and right, positive and negative. We,
too, have dual aspects—light and dark and we need to explore and embrace both sides to fully love
ourselves. By accepting our light and dark qualities, we achieve a holistic sense of self. Both serve us
differently, and both sides are equally needed to live authentically. Living our truth means accepting
even the parts we’ve been taught to hide. This journey of self-acceptance and balance is how we live
a soulful life, staying true to our authentic selves and embracing our complete being.

5. Feminine and masculine power

The journey deepens when you unite with the most significant relationship of all: the one with yourself.
To obtain a healthy relationship, with self you need to understand the energies that shape this
bond—your feminine and masculine powers. These energies create a ripple effect, positively
impacting those around you, especially your intimate partner reflecting back to you how you feel about
yourself. Feminine energy embodies openness, emotional depth, nurturing, creativity, compassion,
and warmth. Masculine energy represents security, strength, directness, focus, purpose, and goal orientation. By balancing and nurturing both energies with love, respect, and communication allows you to live a soulful, fulfilled life.

6. Relationships and soul contracts

At our core, we are all beings of love. Despite challenges, our fundamental desire is to give and
receive love. Relationships serve as powerful catalysts for self-discovery and realisation. We explore
the soul connections we’ve contracted in this lifetime and the roles they play in our personal growth
and evolution. These soul members teach us vital lessons, helping us rise higher and move into our
purpose. Embrace these connections, as they are essential for our journey.
These six powerful principles will help you acquire the knowledge to fully understand the secrets to
healing, transformation and self-mastery. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can achieve the
success and fulfillment you’ve always desired, and how deeply you’ll come to understand yourself

Rena Harvey, author of The Formula of Life: Go Deeper Rise Higher, is a highly sought-after
healer, speaker, teacher, reiki master practitioner, sound therapist, holistic counsellor and
author who helps empower people to move through their pain and transform it into their
power. For more information visit www.renaharvey.com.au

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    The Carousel: The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.
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