3 Tips for New Kindy Parents

3 Tips for New Kindy Parents
Franki Hobson


Jan 29, 2015

Starting kindy is a momentous milestone for little ones – and parents! How do you prepare them? And how do you prepare YOU? Find out here and score top marks…

Any parent who’s sent their wee one off the school for the first time will tell you it’s a day mixed with trepidation, excitement, nervousness and disbelief (when did your baby become a school kid?!). So how do you prepare for their biggest day, without your nervousness rubbing off on their little backpack laden shoulders? Teacher and education expert at yourtutor.com.au, Ciaran Smyth, has more than a decade of experience helping Aussie children maximise their learning and has a few A+ tips for first day of kindy… 

1. Don’t Draw Out the Goodbyes

“Although it’s tempting to linger around your child’s classroom and take mental notes of all the other kids (which child has famous parents and which child may/may not have nits), it can make it even more difficult when it’s time to say goodbye. The best way is to make a fuss free exit, simply drop your child off, say a quick hello to the teacher and some of the students and make your getaway.”

2. Don’t Get Snap Happy

“Although it can be super cute to get photos of your child in their classroom (and on the school oval, in front of the school sign and with the teacher, head teacher and principal), it can often distract other children, draw unwanted attention to your own child and make them even more nervous about their big first day. Get snap happy, but do it at home before you leave.”

3. Label Everything

“I mean everything. It never ceases to amaze me how many things go missing in primary school, from lunchboxes, backpacks, hats, jumpers – even underwear! Unless you’re happy to fork out for a new school wardrobe every week, you should write your child’s name of every item they take with them to school (don’t forget about their show and tell items too!).”

About Yourtutor

Yourtutor.com.au is a one-to-one tutoring service that connects students with some of the country’s best, brightest and rigorously screened teachers, lecturers and PhD students. The program is open six days a week from 3pm-midnight, giving students unprecedented access to education professionals when they need it most. Founded in 2003, yourtutor.com.au has become the most trusted online tutoring site in the education industry and was previously only available through Australian universities, TAFEs, schools, libraries and governments. In 2015, yourtutor.com.au will be accessible to every around the country, helping Aussie children make the most out of their education. 




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