How To Identify Your Stress Triggers

How To Identify Your Stress Triggers
Jo Lamble


Oct 26, 2015

Try this quick quiz to help identify your stress triggers:

1. Do you feel stressed more often than not?
2. Are mornings worse than evenings in terms of feeling stressed?
3. Do you tense up around certain people?
4. Do you feel better after exercise?
5. Do you have trouble saying “No”?
6. Is your home your sanctuary, or a place filled with endless chores?
7. When was the last time you had a holiday?
8. Do your loved ones constantly tell you to “calm down”?
9. Would planning healthy meals out for the week relieve some of your daily stress?
10. Do you feel better when you are eating healthily?

Thinking about your answers to the questions above, what are the signs that you are stressed? Perhaps you have difficulty sleeping at times. Maybe you’re more irritable when your feeling overwhelmed or perhaps you get tearful. You might get tension headaches or migraines or maybe you grind your teeth at night. Do you lose your appetite or eat like a horse when you’re stressed? Can you feel your blood pressure rising? Do you feel nauseous or lightheaded?

According to Priceline Pharmacy’s 2015 National Women’s Health Report – which surveyed more than 30,000 Australian women – a third of respondents didn’t know their blood pressure and half weren’t aware of their cholesterol and blood glucose levels. 30% of women did know that they weren’t getting enough sleep and over 60% reported having poor nutrition and not getting enough exercise.

The report also revealed that 33% of women said they suffered from frequent anxiety. It’s important to understand how dangerous it is to constantly feel stressed, as chronic stress can lead to anxiety and depression. It has been shown to reduce our immunity and increase our weight and blood pressure. Stress can also have a negative impact on our relationships and home life, so there are many incentives to tackle this issue.

An easy way to start addressing the level of stress in your life is to use the online Priceline Health Tracker programme. There’s free meal planners to help you plan healthy meals for the week so you’re not worrying each day about what to cook, and the recipes are both nutritious and packed full of flavour. There is also an activity planner to motivate you to exercise, which you can modify to accommodate any injuries or restrictions you have. There are Health checks in most stores and in 55 Priceline Pharmacy stores around the country there are digital health stations which can monitor your blood pressure, calculate your BMI and give you your body fat percentage.

Once you’ve looked at the physical side of stress, it’s time to examine your psychological triggers.

Having a look at the following list, which of these strategies would bring a greater sense of calm to your life?

Taking up yoga or meditation
Contacting that friend you haven’t seen for a while
Being more assertive
Delegating more
Asking the family for more help around the house
Looking for a new job
Seeing a counsellor
Having more time for yourself
Getting regular massages
Planning a holiday
Ending a toxic friendship
Learning to be mindful

It’s amazing how small changes can make an enormous difference in our lives. Today’s the day to start putting simple strategies in place to monitor and improve your physical and emotional wellbeing.

For more information about the Priceline Pharmacy Health Tracker or to sign up, visit here

Once registered, you can sign up for a 12-week program and also access the Meal Planners and Activity Planners to get your health back on track.


This is a sponsored post by Priceline. All opinions expressed by the author are authentic and written in their own words.


By Jo Lamble


When it comes to navigating the tricky world of human relationships, Clinical Psychologist, Jo Lamble has carved a niche for herself as an approachable professional with a talent for presenting sticky topics with compassion and poise, both as a private practitioner and popular TV psychologist. Contact:



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