Staying Young, Healthy & Ageing Elegantly

What Does 2015 Have In Store For You?
The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

Feb 18, 2016

One of the ever growing trends in the fitness industry is mobility training which has benefits for people in professional sport all the way down to the weekend walker. So what is mobility training and why is it beneficial? In simple terms, mobility training is keeping your muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and everything surrounding them healthy. As we age, our bodies lose flexibility and elasticity, making moving freely much harder. Ever seen someone in their 80s struggle to get out of a seat or up a flight of stairs? This is what I’m talking about.

If you want a sense of how difficult life can get if you don’t implement some mobility work into your daily life, try walking up some stairs with straight legs and then try it how you would normally do it. Which was easier and quicker? My point exactly.

For me personally, in 20 years I want to be able to do the things I enjoy now and I’m sure you do too. So what can be done now to keep our bodies young in the future?

My Top Five Tips

1. Don’t neglect any areas.
The ankles, knees, hips, spine, neck, shoulders, elbows and wrists all need your love. Give them the attention they deserve because they all work together to keep you feeling good.

2. Do it regularly.
The beauty of mobility work is you don’t have to use equipment and you can do it anywhere. 10-15 minutes regularly is all you need. Why not try it during your favourite TV shows?

3. Learn to foam roll.
Find a professional who is qualified to show you and introduce this to your pre and post exercise sessions. Rolling can cause some discomfort, however it will help release the tension from the areas of your body that need it to remain more mobile.

4. Introduce yourself to Yoga.
Sun Salutations as one great example you can use to integrate some fantastic movements to enable the joints to remain limber and mobile. 10-15 minutes of Sun Salutations a few times a week will get you well on your way.

5. The internet is your friend.
There are some great people publishing free content online that will help you to unlock your joints and your body to stay younger for longer, but always be sure to speak to your GP before beginning any new exercise regime. Below, I’ve included some links to my favourite YouTube channels for mobility training, good luck and happy ageing!

Kelly StarretDewey NeilsonDr Andreo Spina & Thoracic Bridge

Article by Sam Theyers – Head of Fitness at Anytime Fitness Australia


By The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.



The Carousel
