How To Do A Juice Detox Safely

How To Do A Juice Detox Safely
Franki Hobson


Jan 01, 2021

Doing a juice cleanse in the New Year can be a great way to reset and rejuvenate and help you make balanced health and wellness choices for the year ahead, according to Steph Lowe, who is a leading Australian Sports Nutritionist and founder of The Natural Nutritionist. “To maximise your results and ensure you feel your best, there are a few considerations for before, during and after a cleanse,” Steph advises.

Here, the nutritionist shares her top tips…

How To Do A Juice Detox Safely

  1. BEFORE THE CLEANSE: Always consider the type and duration of the cleanse you choose

The type and duration of the cleanse you choose is important. Firstly, cleanses are designed with specific health and wellbeing outcomes in mind. To assist your choice, consider what you’re hoping to achieve from your cleanse, such as improved energy and digestion and select the appropriate cleanse. With regards to the duration, this depends on your experience at cleansing and how you respond to changes in energy and any cravings that may arise. If you’re new to cleansing, choose a two-day maximum, whereas if you are more experienced and have cleansed multiple times, select a five or six day cleanse.

How To Do A Juice Detox Safely

  1. BEFORE THE CLEANSE: Begin ridding your body of toxins

It’s interesting to know that what you eat and drink in the two days before your cleanse is often just as important as the cleanse itself. For the two days prior to starting your cleanse, eliminate packaged food and just eat real food – food that comes out of the ground, off a tree or from an animal. As you begin making the transition to a liquid approach, your results will be accelerated by removing toxins such as caffeine and alcohol and cutting gluten, sugar, dairy and meat. An added advantage here is that the cravings and/or withdrawals that often come from quitting such foods and drinks should have subsided by the time you start your cleanse, making the whole process easier and more enjoyable.

  1. DURING THE CLEANSE: Follow the guidelines

Following the guidelines of your specific cleanse is important in order for you to obtain the maximum benefits. By consuming the juices two hours apart, you receive nutrients regularly throughout the day, flush out toxins and keep hunger and cravings at bay. Many cleanses also recommend keeping your hydration up, which I agree is essential, even though it might feel like you’re consuming even more liquid. Thirst can often be mistaken as hunger, so in a period of time where you are minimising or taking a break from food, staying well hydrated is essential.

  1. DURING THE CLEANSE: Listen to your body

Hunger and the need to chew something is often related to how experienced you are, and these feelings can be challenging when you first do a cleanse. Whilst your juices are ideally consumed as the sole source of nutrition, if you do feel hungry, ensure you make the right choices. Try incorporating 1-2 of the following foods, including: a piece of fruit, 1 cup of chopped veggies, a small handful of almonds or half an avocado.

Young woman practicing yoga, doing head to knees, uttanasana exercise, Standing forward bend pose, using chair at the living room
  1. DURING THE CLEANSE: Continue exercising

Light exercise, such as walking and yoga can really be beneficial during a cleanse, helping to increase the elimination of toxins. The amount, duration and type of exercise you can do during a cleanse, again often comes down to how experienced you are at cleansing. It is possible that initially you may not feel that you’ve got the same amount of energy as you normally would and it’s about identifying this and looking at what you can do. Your energy levels will start to increase as you progress through your cleanse, making it is easier to stick to your usual exercise regime.

  1. AFTER THE CLEANSE: Continue your focus on whole foods

You’ve worked so hard before and during the cleanse to nourish your body, so why stop now? By now, your body should be feeling good and trust me, it’s easy to become addicted to this feeling! Continue having vegetables with every meal, stick to palm-sized portions of high quality protein and keep enjoying those good fats. Of course temptations such a social events or drinks with friends will arise, but if you time your cleanse so you can stick to a real food approach for as long as possible post-cleanse, you will find it really easy to turn these healthy choices into your new lifestyle.




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