The timing is perfect for this book. Infused! is all about the power of infused waters, teas and tonics. It’s basically what the doctor ordered for boosting good physical and mental health. More than ever our focus is on healthy eating and with so has our interest in healthy drinks, and reducing consumption of alcohol. This book gives us healthy alternatives with 70 nutrient-rich hot and cold infused water recipes.
Personally I love this one for healthy skin, hair and nails. But apart from apricot, you can try drinks including lemon, kiwi, pomegranate, and peach, plus herbs such as mint and rosemary.
Apricot, pollen and rosemary ‘”Bee Potion”
Makes about 1.5 litres (6 cups)
Infuse for up to 20 minutes at room temperature
- 2 apricots
- a few rosemary sprigs
- 1 teaspoon pollen (ideally fresh pollen)
- 1.5 litres (6 cups) water
- some ice cubes
Wash and pit the apricots, then cut into them wedges. In a carafe, arrange the ice cubes and apricot wedges. Add the water. Serve with a sprig of rosemary and a sprinkle of pollen in each glass. Drink immediately, to the health of our bees!
Consume 30 minutes before or 2 hours after meals.