This is an absolute favourite of mine – it’s a spin on a dish that everyone loves. My word of advice is to talk to your butcher, and always ask if the animal the meat is from has been grass fed.
There are so many more nutritional benefits if this is the case. And you get to make this dish really fun with parsnip fries. Sweet, nutritious, delicious.
Serves 2
2 sirloin steaks, 150–200g each
250g parsnips
4 tbsp coconut oil or butter
mustard and salad greens, to serve
salt and pepper
1 Preheat the oven to 220°C/425°F/Gas mark 7.
2 Grind pepper and salt over the steaks and leave them to marinate at room temperature.
3 Meanwhile, cut the parsnips into thin frîtes. Melt 3 tablespoons coconut oil or butter in a roasting tin, and toss the parsnips in this with a good grind of salt and pepper. Roast them in the oven until golden brown, flipping them over halfway through the cooking time. They will cook in 15–20 minutes, depending on your chip size.
4 Just before the chips are ready, heat a frying pan over a high heat.
5 Add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, wait for the pan to get hot again, then cook the steaks for 2 minutes on each side. (This is for rare steak; cook another few minutes for well done.)
6 Serve with mustard and some salad greens.
Recipe and image from Get the Glow by Madeleine Shaw. Published by Hachette Australia, Hardback RRP $45.00, Ebook $19.99.