Want Better Skin? Steer Clear Of These 5 Foods!

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Matty Samaei

Beauty Expert

Nov 28, 2021

Today we investigate the five biggest evils when it comes to foods and their negative effects. Needless to say, my official stance is: Enjoy Everything in MODERATION and please adapt your diet if you notice any negative effects beginning to impact your life.

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1. COFFEE – Its negative effect on skin

• Caffeine is a diuretic so it dehydrates our skin.
• Triggers stress hormones and slows down collagen regeneration.
• Disrupts sleep pattern, causing aging and dark under eye circles.
• Causes broken capillaries and increases facial redness.

My Suggestion

Limit your caffeine consumption to only one cup per day. Or drink green or herbal teas instead.

mood, Mediterranean diet

2. ALCOHOL – Its negative effect on skin

• Alcohol dehydrates our body, resulting in skin that loses its plumpness and firmness.
• Our face can appear puffier and the under eye region becomes darker because alcohol is a vasodilator which opens blood vessels.
• Too much alcohol causes our body to divert blood flow, oxygen and nutrients away from our skin to our other vital organs. This will result in collagen break down which speeds up the aging process.
• Alcohol is a toxin which causes serious damage on our skin and other vital organs. Too much alcohol can promote growth of bad collage in our body.

My Suggestion

Limit yourself to one glass of RED WINE every second night, as it has antioxidants qualities and can even be good for you.

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3. SUGAR – Its negative effect on skin

• Sugar causes loss of tissue elasticity and function,
• Sugar and decrease growth hormone and cause premature aging.
• Sugar can increase fluid retention in our bodies, make our faces look puffy.
• Sugar can cause our collagen to break down.
• Sugar also contributes to a lot of skin allergies and eczema.
• Sugar can cause obesity and weight gain which will cause stretch marks.

My Suggestion

Limit your sugar intake – this includes soft drinks, cakes, and lollies.

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4. DEEP FRIED FOOD – Its negative effect on skin

• Fatty acids come from the breakdown of fat that is either stored in our body or from food that we eat as part of our diet.
• Sebaceous glands secrete an oily substance (sebum) which gives the skin and hair an oily appearance. Eating deep fried food will increases the amount of free fatty acid circulating in the blood. High levels of fatty acids in our blood will cause health problem and also increases secretion of sebum, making the skin oily, increase the risk of acne and black heads.
• Deep frying also reduces the nutritional value of the food, can cause obesity and heart condition.

My Suggestion

Do your best to limit or avoid eating deep fried foods as this is definitely not your best food option.


5. SPICY FOOD – Its negative effects on skin

• Cause skin sensitivity and rash, especially for people with very sensitive skin.
• Some spicy foods may have food colouring as an additive this can increase the risk of skin allergies.
• Increases facial redness. Make the skin look very flushed. Also increases broken Capillaries.
• Breaks down the collagen in the skin.

My Suggestion

If you suffer from Rosacea or any skin allergies you must avoid spicy food.

Matty Samaei is one of the most experienced & highly respected practitioners in the non-surgical cosmetic field. Her elite and discreet business, The Medispa by Matty, based in Double Bay, Sydney, strongly reflects Matty’s philosophy and absolute commitment to the highest levels of safety and expertise. 


By Matty Samaei

Beauty Expert

Matty Samaei is a practitioner in the non-surgical cosmetic field. With a career spanning in excess of 20 plus years, it is conservatively estimated that she has performed tens of thousands of injectable procedures.



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